Homebrewing Again

🤔️ Homebrewing again - Attempting an automated POSSE webmention via brid.gy at tonight’s Homebrew Website Club

It’s been a while since I opened up a code editor. Since making the switch to research as a primary discipline I’ve either been working in Google Docs, sifting through data points or speaking with users. This is a win in my books.

That said, I’ve dabbled in some dataviz using Google Charts and started learning the basics of Python to assist with data analysis heavy lifting.

I noticed Jeremy had scheduled a Homebrew Website Club session this evening and thought I’d chip along to flex some front-end muscles.

My objectives were; simplify my current build workflow and work through the indiewebify.me checklist. Anything other than that was a bonus.

I ticked these two items of the list fairly quickly, so with 30mins left on the clock I attempted to tackle something I have been trying for a while: POSSE and Webmentions. I managed to setup brid.ly to find my posts but couldn’t work out a way to automatically post them on publish due to this site running on Github’s Jekyll services. It wasn’t until the closing few minutes that I think I figured it out and as Jeremy and Alex were closing their laptops I was glued to my seat frantically making the last commit.

Now here’s the moment of truth… did it work? Does this post automatically POSSE to Twitter?

Postscript: No, it didn’t work. Back to the code editor. =[